Easter Basket Stuffers
Making the Easter baskets for our children each year is one of the most delightful parts of celebrating Easter. Selecting the Easter basket stuffers is just plain fun! I honestly think I enjoy assembling their goodies in their baskets almost as much as they enjoy ripping into them to discover their hidden treasures.
To be completely honest, I use the same basket each year. I clear away any wrappers or missed candy from the previous year. I make sure the grass is clean and ready. Every few years, it is required that I actually replace the basket grass completely, but it usually lasts 3 or 4 years.
On Easter morning, our children know which basket is theirs simply by ribbon color, but they would be able to discern it rather quickly regardless. Each child’s basket has a different theme determined by their current favorite toy. They actually usually want the same candy year after year.
I replace the outside cellophane wrapper that encases the entire basket and it’s contents and add a newly tied ribbon. I use the clear cellophane bags shown below so the kids can easily see the contents of their baskets. Each year the Easter baskets look fresh and inviting. Unless I admitted it, no one would ever be the wiser and know that I use the same baskets and grass year after year.
I do have to watch the adults that come to visit on Easter. They always want to sneak candy from the children’s baskets even though I put candy in a bowl just for them.
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Easter Baskets for Babies
My children are past the baby years, but I remember those years quite easily. They were probably the simplest Easter baskets to assemble since there was no candy. I would choose a new plush animal and bath toy. They loved those stuffers! As a matter of fact, a quick search of their room and I would be able to find every plush they were ever given.
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Easter Basket Stuffers for Girls

Girls are really easy to select Easter basket stuffers for. They like jewelry, nail polish or tattoos, flavored lip balms, coin purses with a few dollars to spend, and the current must have dolls.
Our daughter always wanted books in her basket. Oh! And, they always love plush animals too. Each year, I tried to find a book and plush set, but there was always a book.
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Easter Basket Stuffers for Boys
Little boys are such a delight! They get really excited for a moment over their baskets and then select one toy to play with for hours. Trains, Legos and video games seem to be a constant in our home. I guess no one ever truly outgrows Thomas the Tank Engine, Lego building sets or their video games.
The featured 20th Anniversary Nintendo 3DS is all the rage this year since it is in fact the 20th anniversary of Pokemon. My own son will be getting that game set for Easter this year. It is a rather expensive Easter basket stuffer, but it is what he wanted. He is going to be so surprised to learn that his mom actually did “snatch that Pokemon” for him. I can hardly wait to see his face!
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Easter Basket Stuffers
Aside from the toys and books, I always include a wee bit of candy just because it seems like we are supposed to put candy in Easter baskets. My children like those Reeses Peanut Butter Eggs and the solid chocolate Hershey’s Easter eggs. Plus, I include a chocolate bunny, which rarely gets eaten. I buy a bag of each, split them up, put some of the candy in a bowl for the adults and everyone is happy. Most of all me! Not only did I get to hand select their Easter basket stuffers, toys, and candy, but I get to watch them open those baskets on Easter morn. Maybe this year, I’ll even get to play in a Pokemon challenge.
May you all have a very Happy Easter!